
Can We Be Honest? We’re ALL A little Messed Up!

Here I am on a beautiful day.   The sun is shining brightly and I-ma feeling’ mighty fine, until…UNTIL, I start hovering over the neighbor’s fence peering down at their green, green grass.  My head is bobbing back and forth as I take first one look at their grass and then scrunch up my nose in… Continue reading Can We Be Honest? We’re ALL A little Messed Up!


From Pain to Pearls

I was a mere youngin’ working at a firm in downtown picturesque Charleston, South Carolina on the notorious Church Street.  How I loved walking to my job from the parking garage.  I could close my eyes and envision with perfect clarity the southern belles gliding up and down the street in their pristine satin taffeta gowns.  … Continue reading From Pain to Pearls


STOP Trying to Be Someone Else: Be BeaUtiful YOU!

Don’t you just love having an epiphany that changes, rearranges, and transforms our lives so dramatically we are left reeling?  We turn one of life’s corners and all of a sudden we have this amazing revelation that changes EVERYTHING.  It’s like being hit in the head with a two by four!  A mind set is broken.  In a… Continue reading STOP Trying to Be Someone Else: Be BeaUtiful YOU!


Living in the Should’ve-Could’ve-Would’ve’s

How many of you have found yourself day dreaming, wishing you had done something differently?  I wish I would have taught my kids this.  I wish I would have chosen a different life path.  I wish I would have saved more money.  I wish I wouldn’t have wasted so much time doing this or that…and instead… Continue reading Living in the Should’ve-Could’ve-Would’ve’s

Everything In Between

The Toy Retirement

There comes a time in every good veteran mother’s life when she must embark upon an arduous and difficult task.  One that will be laden with bountiful tears and untold heartache.  A bittersweet moment lavished in tender memories of days gone by; days that passed much more quickly than she anticipated for her grown children, who. were… Continue reading The Toy Retirement