Mini Name Canvas

I got the inspiration for this Mini Name Canvas when I was strolling through my local Hobby Lobby. I noticed all of the Paper Studio Stickers were none other than 50% off. (Now, that’s my kinda shopping)!!! I wanted to create a darling special order for an adorable little girl who has a Unicorn obsession.… Continue reading Mini Name Canvas


One of the Many Faces of Depression

There are many reasons for depression.  Imbalanced chemicals in the brain, circumstances, our thought lives and our personal perspectives… I spent many years riddled by depression.  Just ask my husband!  I was a natural born pessimist who always and without fail saw the glass half empty.  I had thousands of reasons to be thankful and yet, trust me, I… Continue reading One of the Many Faces of Depression


Intentionality or Excuses?

Noted Psychologist and Author, Josh McDowell is quoted over and over for saying we must, “Be Intentional!,” in life. It’s so easy to let life pass us by without following through with the things we want to and know we need to do. There are many offenders, but one of the biggest is talking to… Continue reading Intentionality or Excuses?

Everything In Between

Two Sides to a Story; Only ONE Heard

Few things are more painful than finding out someone believed a lie or lies about us receiving only one side of the story. If we’ve lived any length of time, most of us have probably experienced it. And damn. It’s painful! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told things, (even in church),… Continue reading Two Sides to a Story; Only ONE Heard