
The Drudgery of the “Have To’s”

Had a Pastor in Albuquerque, New Mexico say something so profound that I’ll never forget it! He said, “Every time we say we HAVE TO do something, that statement in and of itself, is riddled with DRUDGERY, DREAD and immediate heaviness.” For the house wife: I HAVE TO do the dishes. I HAVE TO do… Continue reading The Drudgery of the “Have To’s”


Have To’s & Need To’s Vs. Want To’s & Like To’s

Life is chock full of “Have To’s and Need To’s!” We have to go to work. We have to pay our bills. We have to maintain our cars. We have to pay taxes. We have to eat. We have to sleep. There are so, so many Have To’s in life. We simply can’t get away… Continue reading Have To’s & Need To’s Vs. Want To’s & Like To’s

Everything In Between

A Call for HELP!

As my husband was searching tonight for a song appropriate for my first blog post on Suicide, he found an amazing hit song released by Logic, a Rapper—April 27, 2017 through Visionary Music Group and Def Jam Recording, entitled “1-800-273-8255.” (This number happens to be the direct number to Suicide Prevention). The song spotlights Canadian… Continue reading A Call for HELP!

Everything In Between

Eight Suicides in One Family is Too Many

First and foremost, I don’t know everything about suicide, but I’ve felt compelled to write about it. Eight Suicides in my family is not only too many, with the current state of our nation and the national average, something has to be done. It’s one of those subjects no one wants to talk about it… Continue reading Eight Suicides in One Family is Too Many