From the Give Away Box to the Closet

I purchased this fun Boho top at Dillard’s a few years ago.  Sadly, with my infamous middle-aged weight gain, I noticed it getting progressively tighter, making it uncomfortable to wear.  

Without a second thought, I threw my brand new to me—perfect boho beauty in my giveaway box out in the garage.  A couple of days passed and I began lamenting over it!  But, I love that top.  It’s still new….And I hate to give it away when I love the crazy colors and fun look! 

Then it hit me!  Why not cut it down the center and make a cover up/lightweight jacket out of it?  I could still enjoy the fun boho look and all of its colors!!!  VOILA!  Out came the scissors!

With all of the black lace accents I immediately got excited when I remembered I had several yards of 1 1/4 inch Black Lace that I bought off of a clearance rack that would be a perfect fit for this project.  I pinned the black lace on both sides and hand sewed it.  (Yes, I could have used my sewing machine, but sometimes setting it up and then putting it away is far more work than I wanna do)!   Besides, who cares if it’s machine sewn or hand sewn?!  I can always anchor it with machine sewing later)!

I was so pleased when it made the whole cover up pop, but when I put it on, I felt it wasn’t wide enough, so I decided to add one more piece of lace to each side by graduating the strips on top of each side for width.  

I couldn’t be more pleased with the results!  What do you think?  Do you have a fun piece of clothing that you might be able to do something similar to?  If the wheels in your head are turning, just GO FOR IT.  And please post a pic in the comments below this post and show me your fun results ⬇️⬇️⬇️‼️

6 thoughts on “From the Give Away Box to the Closet”

    1. Thanks a bunch! I was thrilled at the results…though I must admit, I was a bit intimidated to make that first cut!

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