Everything In Between

Elegant Egrets

When my husband and I first moved to Chandler, Arizona six years ago, I was mesmerized by the amount of homes built on Lakes and the Water Fountains that grace every corner! The Waterfowl and Migratory birds that these lakes and fountains attract is astounding! We have Ducks galore, Geese, Cormorants, Blue Herons, Egrets, Black Knights, American Widgets from Canada and Pelicans. And there may be some species that I haven’t yet discovered or studied. (Pictured above are 10 Elegant Egrets & a flock of Cormorants)!

My heart skips a beat watching the Baby Ducklings and Goslings nuzzling next to their mamas in the grass and following them on the lake all in a nice neat row, chirping so sweetly. Every now and then there’s a baby duckling that gets separated from his her mama or daddy and my heart breaks. My mother instincts are to pick up the baby duckling and quickly find mama.

Our lake is heavily stocked with multiple varieties of fish so it’s a literal smorgasbord for many of the waterfowl who love feasting on fish. They descend upon our lake and have a field day! I’ve been blessed to capture a lot of amazing photos. Here’s a favorite below, but trust me, my library is full of multiple video’s and pictures of every type of Waterfowl! Enjoy!

(I’d LOVE to see pictures of your favorite Waterfowl! Please share them below)!

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