
Eleven of the Most Powerful Words on the Planet

Take a Gander… Whatcha thinking? 


These very words often never leave our lips …

And why?

Simply. Because. Our. Pride. Gets. The. Best. Of. Us…It gets in the way.  There’s a reason they call some things STUMBLING BLOCKS.  They trip us up and hold us back.  

Though humbling to admit it when we hurt someone…

These words have the power to change the trajectory of not only our lives, but that of others in HUGE WAYS.

And they are Life Changing…


I can’t help but think back to an episode of HAPPY DAYS.  For the life of me I can’t remember what Fonzie did but he couldn’t bring himself to say he was sorry.  Every time he opened his mouth all that came out was “ I’m S-A-W……”

He just couldn’t get the word S-O-R-R-Y out of his mouth.

Yet it’s the most liberating sentence we’ll ever use.  Admitting we’re wrong isn’t easy as our dear Happy Day’s Friend demonstrated…

But in a world with so many hurting hearts, be it family members, friends, or even someone we lose our temper with on the phone, in the doctors office or heaven knows where…

Isn’t it time to humble ourselves and help to heal a heart?

To be released from the PRIDE that binds us?  

We need to be a part of the SOLUTION and not the dang problem.  

It’s not rocket science.  We simply open our mouths and say it:  I’M SORRY I HURT YOU.  WILL YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME?

And then… wait for the response.  Maybe a HUG would be a good way to follow up?  But I’m warning you,… if this person has never heard you apologize, don’t be surprised if they’re stunned and just stare at you in disbelief, not knowing what to say!

The most important point here is… YOU DID IT!  You humbled yourself and those words left your mouth.

Pat Yourself on the Back and look for your next subject.  And, don’t let it become lifeless and without meaning.  

Speak it from your heart with sincerity.  Sincerity goes a long, long ways!

And it Changes Lives. FOREVER!

I’d love to hear about your experiences with these eleven POWER words and the changes that take place in you and for you, not to mention others! Please share if you dare!

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