
Living Each Day as if Tomorrow is Your Last

I’ve been pondering a lot of things lately. I sense an urgency in my spirit. Questions keep plummeting over and over in my mind…that I’ll extend to you! What if tomorrow was YOUR last day on earth or that of any of YOUR friends or loved ones? Are you living your life in such a… Continue reading Living Each Day as if Tomorrow is Your Last


Rain at the Parade

Have you ever been at a parade and got caught in a torrential downpour without an umbrella?  It’s not very much fun, is it?  We are suddenly soaked to the bone, cold, makeup running down our faces, flat hair, the whole nine yards!  Definitely not our best moment. Conversely, our best moment is also not someone raining on… Continue reading Rain at the Parade


Wardrobe Whips

  I was just sitting here thinking about how easy it is to be taken captive by some rules out there regarding how we dress.  Maybe we don’t have ANY rules because it’s a subject no one has ever broached with us… Whatever it is, we need to whip some mindsets out the door!  Just open the… Continue reading Wardrobe Whips


When Pain Paralyzes

(This blog was published in (In)courage, a division of Day Spring Cards April 25, 2012 — a site that was developed to help women across the nation. Included are the comments from multiple hurting women who were were graciously helped by our amazing God! I give Him all of the Glory for everything He does… Continue reading When Pain Paralyzes