Everything In Between

Changed Your “Judgey” Pants Lately?

Been pooped on, pee’d on, puked on, … AND judged.  They ALL stink!  Every mom can attest to the three “P’s!”  It’s one of those not-so-fun parts of being a mother. Being judged and judging others unfortunately, is part of being human.  And it could be the stinkiest of the four. So, just wondering…are you wearing your “Judgey Pants” today?  Am I?  Maybe it’s time… Continue reading Changed Your “Judgey” Pants Lately?


You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up

The year was 1994.  My husband Gary, and our three children moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico for Gary’s last duty station in the United States Navy.  He took a billet at Kirtland Air Force base as the Liaison Officer between the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy.  He loved his new job but… Continue reading You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up