
7 Horrible Things People Say When a Friend or Family Member Loses a Loved One

Losing a close friend or family member is tough. The pain is excruciating! Tougher still is the unthinkable statements rattled off in those awkward moments of silence because we don’t know what to say or how to say it. We tend to think we HAVE TO say something,…but DO WE? Silence can be golden in… Continue reading 7 Horrible Things People Say When a Friend or Family Member Loses a Loved One


The Beach, Sandpipers & a Tear Jerker

If you love the Beach, Sandpipers and Tear Jerkers, this story is probably for you! Few true stories have impacted me for life like this one. I first read this story twenty years ago! It’s never left my heart. When I think of it, all of the feels come flooding back to me…so grab your… Continue reading The Beach, Sandpipers & a Tear Jerker


Let Kindness Be the Rule-Not the Exception

Let’s be honest everyone…It’s super simple to live life by our feelings.  And when life isn’t going well and we’re not batting 300, the words that come out of our mouths and those behaviors that we demonstrate, can-very simply put–SUCK.  And Big time. We have a horrific day at the office.  Our boss read us the… Continue reading Let Kindness Be the Rule-Not the Exception


Elephant Smorgasbord

Most of us have heard the very best way to tackle those daunting tasks that are looming over our heads! We ask ourselves, “How do you eat an elephant?!”  And the answer is… ONE. TEENY. TINY. BITE. AT. A. TIME! Elephants aren’t small, and some of our tasks aren’t either.  In fact, SOME are down right intimidating… Continue reading Elephant Smorgasbord


Camisole Disaster

Does anyone else cringe when you see this? Maybe it’s the era I grew up in… But I literally can’t stand seeing these beautiful summer tops (or camisole’s) being worn with bra straps showing. There’s just nothing attractive about it. I’m not sure when this became a thing, but I see it a lot in… Continue reading Camisole Disaster