Everything In Between

Voice Texting Gone Wrong!

So, I’ve gotten down-right-lazy in my old(er) Age. Maybe I’ve just gotten smarter. Whatever the case, I LOVE sending Voice Clips on Facebook and Instagram! It’s absolutely REVOLUTIONARY, if you don’t mind me speaking the truth here. With just ONE click of a button, we can record our voices, and they type away for us… Continue reading Voice Texting Gone Wrong!


When God Goes Deep

A friend of mine introduced me to Tim Ross who has a Podcast, “The Basement With Tim Ross.”  I’ve only listened to him a couple of times due to time restraints from running a business and a non profit, but judging from those listens, he goes deep and deals with subjects many don’t want to touch.  I… Continue reading When God Goes Deep


Eleven of the Most Powerful Words on the Planet

Take a Gander… Whatcha thinking?   ELEVEN OF THE MOST POWERFUL WORDS ON THE PLANET! These very words often never leave our lips … And why? Simply. Because. Our. Pride. Gets. The. Best. Of. Us…It gets in the way.  There’s a reason they call some things STUMBLING BLOCKS.  They trip us up and hold us back.   Though humbling to… Continue reading Eleven of the Most Powerful Words on the Planet


The Drudgery of the “Have To’s”

Had a Pastor in Albuquerque, New Mexico say something so profound that I’ll never forget it! He said, “Every time we say we HAVE TO do something, that statement in and of itself, is riddled with DRUDGERY, DREAD and immediate heaviness.” For the house wife: I HAVE TO do the dishes. I HAVE TO do… Continue reading The Drudgery of the “Have To’s”