Everything In Between

Bougie Vs. Boujee

Our Beautiful Son and Daughter-in-Love and two Amazing Grandsons just left to fly back to that Kansas City BBQ! We enjoyed a Stupendous Christmas and my heart is full. Though we missed our Daughter and Son-in-Love and our Adorable 4-year-old Grandaughter and 2-month-old Grandson!

Our Kansas City Grandsons suggested we play the game Pigeon in a group-sort-of-chat-THING. Yes, I said…”CHAT THING.” (I’m still OLD SCHOOL. I know NADA when it comes to some of this social Media-ness). Simple game. Most of us have played Crazy Eights. I am pretty sure I have a deck of Crazy Eights—(Probably in a box out in our garage I haven’t yet unpacked)—In case you’re not familiar…Crazy Eights is kind of in the family of UNO

When our son and his family first arrived and our son was walking up the stairs to the bedroom he was staying in, he said, and I quote,… “I’m not used to all of this boujee-ness.” Honestly, I never thought of my home as BOUJEE, but one of my dreams growing up was to go to school for Interior Design and Decorating, and we do have quite a few people come into our home and comment and even ask me to come decorate their homes! Though I never went to school, I did have the distinct honor of working with an Interior Designer in Albuquerque for three years. What a BLAST from the PAST!

Anyway, I’ve only recently come to understand the meaning of the words Bougie verses Boujee. (Since we had to take a name for our Crazy Eight game, “Boujee Nana” seemed to be the PERFECT fit, and yes, even—my jam! When I came to understand SOME of the meaning of word “BOUJEE,” it seemed perfectly appropriate.

There’s distinctively clear dividing lines between BOU-JEE or BOU-GIE! Let us differentiate for those who are OLD SCHOOL and pardon me, I must digress… If you are a BABY BOOMER like Hubby and I are, I hate to tell you this, BUT YOU ARE OLD SCHOOL, which MEANS, it’s important for you to understand this,… whether you think so or not. (Wink-Wink)!

According to Dictionary.com, they say, “BOUJEE is not an insult. They say, and I quote… “Boujee is hip-hop slang for someone enjoying a (well-earned) lifestyle in luxury, BUT WHO STILL KNOWS THEIR HUMBLE ROOTS AND POSSIBLY STILL LIVES IN THEIR OLD NEIGHBORHOOD.” (Now, I don’t live in our old neighborhood, however… I think I qualify. Our family lived in our OLD neighborhood in New Mexico for TWENTY-THREE Years)! BOUJEE represents, “a person who did not INHERIT their money but still lives a high-class-lifestyle.” And for us, we aren’t world travelers and we drive our cars until they wear out, but we enjoy living in our lake home which is a median price for most homes these days. (We happened to get in when interest rates were at their lowest. With current interest rates, we couldn’t move and find anything remotely close to our current home, even if we chose to downsize, so we’ll stay put)!

Let’s move on and talk about BOUGIE now! Dictionary.com spilled these beans: Bougie is “Someone who acts like they are richer or in a higher economic class than they really are.” (Let me just say, FOR-ME, and maybe FOR-YOU also, I could care less if I impress anyone. I just don’t waste time doing that and hubby and I have never been “Keep up with the Jone’s” types. We do US and really don’t care what anyone else does. We don’t compete. COMPETITION is seriously the THIEF OF JOY. I kinda like my JOY. (I’ll bet you do too)! Those whom are Bougie they say “represents people who use social media to show off fancy clothes, expensive cars, yachts or expensive yoga clothes.” I love nice clothes, but definitely not into name brands. I just wear what I like, no matter where it comes from. No expensive cars or yachts for us. Although we love our little Pontoon. It’s kinda like a micro-mini yacht I suppose. And neither of us do Yoga.

Now, Back to BOUJEE…”Boujee, according to Dictionary.com, is slang to describe someone who has made their own wealth out of a poorer upbringing, likes a lavish lifestyle but is STILL CONNECTED TO THEIR ROOTS…” On the other hand, this is totally me. I came from a family who struggled to make ends meet. This “Is Someone who is upwardly mobile and is actually in a higher economic class than others.” I may be in a higher economic scale than SOME but I try not to shove that in the face of others. I do absolutely love sharing beauty and some may interpret that as being Braggadocios, but THAT will never be my heart or motivation! I share simply because it produces a joy and excitement in me that cannot be contained… and I figure if it brings me JOY, it will for others as well! My heart is never to intentionally to make others jealous or envious. (Those who love me share in that excitement. Others … well,…they move on. I simply will not bow to the insecurities and jealousy’s of others. Thats not my problem. It’s theirs, and it falls off my back like water off a ducks back…)

So….I’ve come to a conclusion. I’m totally BOUJEE! WHAT ARE YOU? Are you BOUJEE or BOUGIE?

What’s your JAM? Comment below! I’d LOVE to hear all about YOU!

2 thoughts on “Bougie Vs. Boujee”

  1. Very interesting 🤔, I had no idea. Hahaha up to know I hadn’t wanted to be called a Boujee/Bougie person. Maybe cause I didn’t know. I grew up in the poor category, but my mom always made thing beautiful and nice and clean. We did not have a lot for sure. I lived in my old neighborhood even after I was married to Mel because I loved it. With the Lord’s help I worked very hard as a single parent endured horrible working conditions but now I am living a lifestyle that I only dreamed of when younger. After marrying Paul and moving up to far NE everything changed for me.
    Boujee? I Guess I am that. But mostly I’m part of the beloved bride blessed beyond measure for sure. Like you I blessed and love to bless others. Love love love it.

    1. I’m glad you learned something Doris as did I! If not for the Pigeon game at Christmas, I’d have never known! Though I’d heard the term numerous times I never thought to study the definition. Surprise-Surprise! Our family was definitely poor to lower middle class, so I relate to you! I guess now we can call ourselves members of the Boujee-Beloved-Blessed-Beyond-Measure-Bride-of-Christ Club! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

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