
Can We Be Honest? We’re ALL A little Messed Up!

Here I am on a beautiful day.   The sun is shining brightly and I-ma feeling’ mighty fine, until…UNTIL, I start hovering over the neighbor’s fence peering down at their green, green grass.  My head is bobbing back and forth as I take first one look at their grass and then scrunch up my nose in pure disgust, and look down at mine.  Yep, it sure does appear to be greener than mine.  Would ya just look at that?!  Wonder what type of fertilizer THEY use?   And, ya know…they sure do SEEM to have perfect kids.  And, Melanie and Jordan?  I just know they’re perfect too.  My family?  Must we go there?  How. long. do. we. have?

Why can’t MY family be MORE LIKE THEIRS?!  After all, THEY sure seem to have the life.  They go on fancy vacations, their kids have all graduated from college, they drive new cars, and they just built a brand spanking new addition onto their home.  They smile and look happy 24/7.  Every single picture on Farcebook, (Ahem–Facebook), is the epitome of PURE PERFECTION.  And my life; my family?  Ho Hum.  I hate to even go there.  But, no since pretending.  Doesn’t do a lick of good.   We’re FAR from perfect.  F-A-R from it.  In fact, there are gaping holes the size of the Grand Canyon in mine and my family’s lives.  Hear that echo when you holler across the family canyon?

Friends, that nasty old “Brady Bunch” persona is REAL and it’s a blatant FARCE! 

Ain’t no perfect families out there, people.  Let’s GET REAL?!  REAL – real.  Some of us have perfected hiding what goes on behind the scenes.  Our lips are sealed about the family member that is cray-cray, Uncle Ned who is a stumbling drunk, Aunt Betsy who always, and I mean always, causes a family ruckus at the Thanksgiving and Christmas gathering.  Every family has a few fruits and nuts.  I do.  You do.  We ALL do.

I need to be blatantly HONEST.  My life is a little messed up like this poor dude in the video below.  Maybe you’ll relate to him like I do. 

Before you watch one of my favorite videos, ponder something, and do me a favor, will you?  Stop looking over the other side of the fence at your neighbors grass.  Stop comparing yourself and your family to everyone elses.  It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.  They’re not all they pretend to be.  Neither are you.  Neither am I.  We are PEOPLE, hello?  And people are ALL A LITTLE MESSED UP!  

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