Everything In Between

RaDiCaL or Conventional Christianity—Part TWO

(I promised you Part Two to Radical or Coventional Christianity! Hold onto your seats. This could be a wild ride)… I’m not sure you know it or not, but “Conventional Christianity” is most often akin to Nominal Christianity and the Religious Spirit, so I’d like to delve into the characteristics since it is so closely… Continue reading RaDiCaL or Conventional Christianity—Part TWO

Everything In Between

When You Know You Know!

When this epiphany came, it hit me like a ton of bricks! I finally KNEW I was over being INAUTHENTIC! I knew I was over painting pictures that were not true to life. I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt when it was time to shed the mask and BE REAL…to be TRUE TO… Continue reading When You Know You Know!

Everything In Between

Let. Them—Part Two

Most of you have probably read the blog post by Jesse Woltz I posted. If you haven’t read it, please go back and read it. You may not understand some things here, if you don’t. I promised you all Part Two! Jesse’s post on Facebook, “Let Them,” rocked my world as it did many. I… Continue reading Let. Them—Part Two

Everything In Between

Let. Them. by Jessi Woltz

I recently spoke with Jessi Woltz who authored this impactful, thought provoking piece and got her permission to share it with you. It’s just waaaaay too good not to share: ”Are you familiar with the “Let Them” theory? I’ll tell you the more I grow, the more I am okay with accepting the “Let Them”… Continue reading Let. Them. by Jessi Woltz

Everything In Between

Never Kick a Dead Dog!

They’re already DOWN. They’re already DISCOURAGED! When you’re going through a particularly difficult situation or season in life, what is your greatest need?  Ponder that for a moment!   You’re down for the count! You may be suffering from depression and feeling hopeless.  Your faith may be weak.   During this or another hard season in your life,… Continue reading Never Kick a Dead Dog!