Everything In Between

Two Sides to a Story; Only ONE Heard

Few things are more painful than finding out someone believed a lie or lies about us receiving only one side of the story. If we’ve lived any length of time, most of us have probably experienced it. And damn. It’s painful! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told things, (even in church),… Continue reading Two Sides to a Story; Only ONE Heard

Everything In Between

Changed Your “Judgey” Pants Lately?

Been pooped on, pee’d on, puked on, … AND judged.  They ALL stink!  Every mom can attest to the three “P’s!”  It’s one of those not-so-fun parts of being a mother. Being judged and judging others unfortunately, is part of being human.  And it could be the stinkiest of the four. So, just wondering…are you wearing your “Judgey Pants” today?  Am I?  Maybe it’s time… Continue reading Changed Your “Judgey” Pants Lately?

Everything In Between

The Toy Retirement

There comes a time in every good veteran mother’s life when she must embark upon an arduous and difficult task.  One that will be laden with bountiful tears and untold heartache.  A bittersweet moment lavished in tender memories of days gone by; days that passed much more quickly than she anticipated for her grown children, who. were… Continue reading The Toy Retirement