
Decorating That’s As Smooth As Ice

Decorating your home is easier than you think! People who struggle with decorating often compliment my decorating and ask me to come do theirs! Quite honestly, I’ve learned some valuable tips and it’s easier than you think…Thought I’d share a discovery I’ve made since we moved into our home here in Chandler, AZ. that might help you!

Our walls throughout as you can see are taupe, which is about as neutral as you can get, except maybe white, which my husband is considering. Honestly, I’m okay with either. You see, I’ve come to the conclusion that maintaining a neutral palette throughout your home, is highly advantageous. Here’s why! When you have a neutral palette, you will save lots and lots of money. When you want to change out your colors, it’s super easy. Bring in new throw pillows, a throw or two, a few decor pieces in colors of your choice, and voila! It’s DONE. Just. Like. That! Easy Peasy.

Painting an accent wall here and there is fun and exciting, and can really make a space POP however…it limits the pieces you can decorate with. It locks you in—so to speak, unless you’re highly eclectic and just don’t care about flow. I have two couches in my family room, and one in my living room. One is beige and two are off white. My Dining Room Chairs are off white as are my Magnolia Hutch and T.V. stand that I don’t use for a T.V. Since my accent colors are primarily White, Beige, Gold, Turquoise, Teal & Purple, they make my home pop and yet, the flow is there because the colors aren’t outlandish. ANY time, I want to do a new color scheme ALL I HAVE TO DO is grab a few new throw pillows, a throw, candles and decor pieces, and we’re in like flynn.

I found a couple of floral pillows with pink and mint green, and two in mint green for my Family Room Couches, which has opened up more decorating options. (Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures of my family room, but you can see I have utilized teal on my couch in my Living Room and my favorite: PEACOCKS)! It’s super simple with the White Fur Throw Pillows & Teal Velvet Scalloped Pillows. I will post a picture soon of my Family Room, which sports a beautiful glass vase of Pink and white roses. Awe, the elegance! Isn’t decorating fun? We can create flow and interest all at the same time! And with decorating, the sky. is. truly. the. limit!

I hope this tip helps you! Please share your decorating pictures below! We can learn from one another! I can’t wait to see them… 🙂


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