Everything In Between

Eight Suicides in One Family is Too Many

First and foremost, I don’t know everything about suicide, but I’ve felt compelled to write about it. Eight Suicides in my family is not only too many, with the current state of our nation and the national average, something has to be done. It’s one of those subjects no one wants to talk about it because it’s uncomfortable. It’s not a pretty. It’s excruciatingly painful! It’s one that is easy to sweep under the rug and not deal with, but last I heard, living in denial does absolutely nothing beneficial in our lives, except allowing an already looming problem to spiral out of control and more lives to be lost. Frankly, I’m not okay with that. Are You?

According to Suicide Prevention, Suicide is the leading cause of death in the United States. In 2021 the CDC reported 48,183 deaths, 38,358 of which were males compared to 9, 825 females. In the same year according to Worldlifeexpectancy.com, the state of Wyoming, specifically the city of Casper, had the highest suicide rate followed by Montana and Alaska registering 32.3, 32.0 and 30.8 suicides per 100,000 people.

Alarmingly, NBC news stated that in the year 2023—50,000 people died by suicide, more than any other year recorded in the history of the United States. The U.S. Surgeon General calls mental health the “defining health crisis of our time.” They say 1 in 5 adults experience a mental health crisis every year. Depression rates are at an all time high with 1/3 of adults reporting diagnosis’s with Depression sometime during their lifetimes. In 2021, according to statistics 12.3 million adults thought about suicide while 1.7 million made actual attempts. They also reported 60% of High school girls reported having persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Our Veterans crisis lines are fielding a record number of cries for help. In 2020 less than half of those with mental health diagnosis’s received care for it. Nearly 70% of Children whose parents sought help for them could not get it. We must not only talk about mental health, we must learn how to do it effectively and teach others to do it as well. We must answer questions about accessing treatment and care and have programs put in place to pay for it. https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/more-than-50-000-americans-died-by-suicide-in-2023-more-than-any-year-on-record-201161285832

We have to face this crisis and to the best of our ability do something to stop it. It takes a VILLAGE. You and I are that village. Though I know there are some that may not feel equipped to help, I know the God of the Universe has answers and will lead us through these murky waters.

2 thoughts on “Eight Suicides in One Family is Too Many”

  1. One person… out there without access to Behavioral Health specialists or somewhere to go to deal with whatever took them past the edge…or shamed in a culture,environment family,religion,social circle that made them fearful to reach out, speak up, or seek is too many… way too many .
    Ironically almost every insurance puts such limits on visits… I don’t understand that at all… and waiting to get further care approved can be fatally too late!
    Counseling etc in the school system and work place is minimal at best !
    I feel somehow mental health should be as available as AA or NA meetings with sponsors and hotlines all free.

    I am heartbroken that your family has lost people … eight people ! that you need and love to the internal terrorist of suicidal ideation . I am truly sorry Carole .

    We as people need to figure this out ,
    make it easy, private and without stigma.

    1. Jen, thank you for your sentiments sweet friend! You are 100% right on in every aspect. There has to be answers and I intend to pray about this until I find them. It may not happen over night, but number one, I know this is a heavy subject on God’s heart or He wouldn’t have moved upon my heart to write about it and number two, He has ALL OF THE ANSWERS! For years, my own family tragedy was not only difficult to come to terms with, but also difficult to talk about! Now is the time… (Oh and I just posted Blog # 2: A Call for Help, if you want to read it)!

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