
Intentionality or Excuses?

Noted Psychologist and Author, Josh McDowell is quoted over and over for saying we must, “Be Intentional!,” in life. It’s so easy to let life pass us by without following through with the things we want to and know we need to do.

There are many offenders, but one of the biggest is talking to a friend we haven’t spoken to in awhile and repeatedly saying, “We need to go to lunch…We need to get together and go here or there. We need to go on a trip together. I need to call and talk to my old friend I haven’t spoken to in years. We need to. We need to. We need to…” And it never happens. Life passes quickly as we are putting off all of the things we want to or would like to do. Busyness with family and other commitments quickly puts the kibosh on and crowds out good intentions. BREAK THE CYCLE!

Inspirational Author Jim Rohn has a wonderful thought provoking quote. He says, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” And quite honestly, EXCUSES SUCK. Almost as bad as some of our opinions. And you KNOW what they say about those!

In short, we need to do the things we really WANT TO do. Procrastination inevitably brings guilt if we don’t follow though. As I think back over my life I remember myriads of times seeing the same friend multiple times and like the same broken record, saying “We need to get together!” Josh McDowell’s words began to ring over and over in my mind: Be Intentional! At the very least, say “What day works best for you to go to lunch? Take a look at your calendar and I’ll call you this week so we can schedule something.” And DO IT. Follow through! Someone needs to take the bull by the horns and like Nike’s notorious quote: JUST. DO. IT!

The guilt monkey on your back will soon be face down on the floor. SPLAT! Let’s start being INTENTIONAL and start living life to the fullest?! SHALL WE?

(Please take a moment to leave me a comment if this blog post has helped you)!

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