
Large Canvas in a Small Space

We often think that in a small space, we must think small when it comes to decor. But, did you know that a large photo can actually make a small room seem larger than it really is? This particular Palm Frond Canvas makes my small guest restroom seem much larger than it really is. (Quite honestly, I should center this canvas on the wall. I compensated for the linen closet, but technically, the canvas would. look better centered). If you have a canvas you love, don’t limit yourself. Try hanging it in a smaller room and take notice. Does it make the room appear larger or smaller?

I purchased this canvas at Pier One prior to it closing, and I went back and forth about hanging it i my guest bathroom, but after I did, I fell in love with it. Don’t ever allow yourself to get caught up in a mindset that stifles your creativity and thinking outside of the box! You just might love it and find that your decorating skills just went up a notch because you didn’t get caught up in a thought process that was stifling.

I still haven’t decorated my adjacent wall. When I’m decorating, I don’t settle. It may take me an entire year to find the piece for a space/wall, etc… but when I find it, I KNOW IT and I love the results!

Here are a few other photos of my tiny guest bath. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my shower curtain. Is it a good fit or what?

I absolutely love this shower curtain. I love how it brings in a host of other color options. Not only does it have the Palm Frond Green and two shades of orange, but it also brings in a mint green, giving me more color options in my bathroom. My mint green rug is currently in the laundry, but I love how it brings in that color and expands the color palette.

The Blue Heron Canvas’s off set the blues in the shower curtain and the orange in their beaks play big off of the tall orange candle holder on the back of the commode!

When we are decorating, we should strive to create flow in every space. Don’t buy anything if you are not in love with it and the piece doesn’t fit. If you wait until you find just the right piece you’ll feel a peace and your space will come alive every time you step into your room. Let your imagination run wild and have fun!

Please share your decorating photos in the comments below! I’d to see your creativity. We can learn from one another!

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