
Love Handle Wardrobe Hack

I still haven’t quite figured out why in the world they call the donut that loves to appear on us middle-aged women, LOVE HANDLES? There’s nothing lovely about them! I’m not here to judge anyone that has them. They seem to bust out and make an appearance on most all of us women as we age. But, how do we down-play this malady so it’s not so unsightly? Stick with me, friends!

I not gonna lie, I absolutely despise this “Dunkin’ Donut” foe! And I’m currently taking Fat Burners and eating right to rid myself of this inner tube that decided to show up on my BOD uninvited. Ugh!

Since I am a stickler for accentuating great features and down playing—the not-so-pretties—I thought I would give you this little tip when you are going out on the town wanting to look your very best!

Buy yourself a cool, loose fitting vest to throw on over your tank or whatever you’re wearing. (Choose any color you want, but neutral works best for me). I think a great choice would be white or black. If you are not super short, buy a longer one that will give you a more elongated appearance. If you are of shorter stature, choose a shorter vest, but definitely choose one that is a tad longer than what you are use to.

In the above picture there’s not a LOVE HANDLE in sight. The texture and the netting on the vest I’m wearing is very forgiving—being made of cotton, but it’s also cool for the summer months.

(If you don’t care if your LOVE HANDLES are showing, that’s fine too). For me, it affects my self confidence. I want to look and feel my best when I go out in the public. When I look good, I show up differently than when I don’t.

In the picture below, you can clearly see the lug I’m carrying around my middle that I hid under my beautiful vest.

Hope you enjoyed this WARDROBE HACK!


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