
My Favorite Quote of All Time

Can I just say, I don’t think there has ever been a quote that has affected me more deeply, then this quote by Marianne Williamson…

I thought it would be wonderful to unpack it so it really sinks in. I’m hoping it will reach into the depth of your soul, like it did mine!

Our Deepest fear is not that we are inadequate…”

In all reality, though Marianne is comparing FEARS here, many of us indeed feel we are not enough.  We constantly feel we are coming up short.  How about you?  If this is YOU, read on…

If we’ve accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, WE take on a NEW IDENTITY.  Our IDENTITY is no longer in ourselves.  It’s in the God of the Universe!  We are now “IN CHRIST” and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that He says we are, WE ARE.  

When Jesus comes to live in our hearts, his power is manifested in us and as we learn His WORD and decree it and declare it over ourselves, little by little it begins to transform us.  Let’s take Philippians 4:13 for instance:  “I can do all things THROUGH Christ Who Strengthens Me.”  WHATEVER God asks us to do, we CAN do.  The more we pray it out loud or even whisper it silently to ourselves, we will eventually begin to believe. 

This applies to EVERY promise in the Bible.  We are who He says we are and we can do what He’s says we can do, end of story.  The Bible says “ALL OF HIS PROMISES ARE YES AND AMEN,” to US-His Children (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…”  

Our deeper fear, than even inadequacy, is the POWER within us!  

The above paragraph is LOADED with the MEAT of who we become when Jesus comes into our hearts and is made manifest in us!

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us…We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

When Christ came into our hearts, the RESURRECTION POWER OF GOD, the SAME POWER that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, came into us (Romans 6:10-11).  If that’s not LIGHT, I don’t what is!  The light of God himself illuminates the darkness around us.  Others see it, feel it and often even ask about it.  Light is POWER and diminishes darkness.  

Let’s let that sink in, shall we? 

That’s  the LIFE of GOD!  

Actually who are you not to? You are a Child of God…”

You playing small does not serve the world…”

And why would we play small when an All Powerful God lives within us?!  How does “playing small” serve a single soul?

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you…”

Don’t allow the insecurity of others intimidate you!  Don’t blend it.  Don’t back down, back up, quit, be shy, play little or anything of the sort!  Stand up, stand out, shout!  Live life like you mean it!  

We are all meant to shine as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us…”

His light lives within us!  Let it shine.  People see it and feel it every single place we go.  They know something is different about us.  In fact, it’s impossible to hide it.  It’s like a fire hose of life clearing the path before us and affecting every person we meet.  

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone…”

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same…As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others!”

Did you hear that?  Do you realize how powerful that is?  The light within us when we let it shine LIBERATES those around us

Our example makes others want what they don’t have.  They may not understand it immediately, but they are drawn to the LIGHT!  They want what we have.  The presence of God in us not only sets US free, it sets THEM free!!!!

Friends, don’t play small!  Take a deep breath and determine to shine that light wherever you go!   It’s time to LIBERATE THE WORLD AROUND US! 

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