Everything In Between

Negativity Aversion

Anyone else want to run when constant negativity shows up on your door step?  Am I the only one that it literally snuffs the life out of?  I seriously have a negativity aversion.  I CRINGE when I get around any and all Negative Nancys, Nellies, Debbie Downers …You-Name-It.  (No offense to “Nancy’s, Nellie’s or Debbie’s)!  

I’ve lived on Negativity Avenue for LITERAL YEARS so I’m well versed on every aspect.  Growing up a natural born pessimist, I was a glass half full lady. I never looked at the positives or the bright side.

A couple of years ago I went to a Calligraphy class hosted by Roxy, a teacher I met on Instagram.  I don’t think I’ve ever been more intrigued by the talent of any one individual that has inspired me like she has.  I took a gal named “Shelly “ with me whom I thought may enjoy the class.  (Her name has been changed to protect her innocence).  A few days later, the teacher pulled me to the side and asked me about the gal I brought to the class.  She  and I had become friends because according to her, she was drawn to my bubbly personality and positive upbeat attitude.  She immediately said, “Carole, I get such a bad vibe about Shelly… She  seems so unhappy and the heaviness….OMG!  It’s tangible.”.  She wanted to understand why I would be hanging out with her given the diabolical difference in our personalities?  At first I didn’t know what to say, but I shared a couple small details to help her understand my hope to help Shelly find her way out of negativity.  

My point in saying all of this is, people will always be drawn to people who are positive, upbeat and bubbly, primarily, because by and large, the world is a very dark place.  We need all of the light we can get.  You don’t have to go far to be hit in the face with the pervading darkness and negativity.  It’s every where.  And the long and short of it is, if you don’t wanna be sucked in, you seriously have to be on the look out for it and when it shows up, put out the fire immediately.  You may need to walk away,  You may have to throw out a series of positive remarks to change that atmosphere before that cloud settles around you.  Eventually, the people spewing it will learn, you’re not gonna succumb to it.  

The old saying goes, “Misery Love’s Company” and if you’re not willing to keep company with misery slingers, eventually they’ll learn, or you may have to part ways.  If you’ve lived in that pit any length of time, and had the courage to rock climb out of it to the light of day and taste the clean air where you can actually breathe, I guaran-darn-tee-ya, you’ll have a dogged determination not to go back.  

How about you?  Love it, Hate it, Mediocre on it, or do you have an all out AVERSION to it like I do?  

I just can’t and I won’t.  

We all have to choose.  

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