Everything In Between

Elegant Egrets

When my husband and I first moved to Chandler, Arizona six years ago, I was mesmerized by the amount of homes built on Lakes and the Water Fountains that grace every corner! The Waterfowl and Migratory birds that these lakes and fountains attract is astounding! We have Ducks galore, Geese, Cormorants, Blue Herons, Egrets, Black… Continue reading Elegant Egrets

Everything In Between

Negativity Aversion

Anyone else want to run when constant negativity shows up on your door step?  Am I the only one that it literally snuffs the life out of?  I seriously have a negativity aversion.  I CRINGE when I get around any and all Negative Nancys, Nellies, Debbie Downers …You-Name-It.  (No offense to “Nancy’s, Nellie’s or Debbie’s)!   I’ve lived on Negativity… Continue reading Negativity Aversion

Everything In Between

Horror on Hackberry Drive

Ya’ll have heard about and maybe even watched “Murder on Elm Street!” They say it’s a True-Life Crime Story! Wellllll, I may be contacting a Screenwriter about the latest, the greatest… “HORROR ON HACKBERRY DRIVE! It will surely sell out in movie theaters every where! It all started years ago when I frequently seemed to… Continue reading Horror on Hackberry Drive


When You Finally Shed Your Shell

When a turtle senses danger they automatically retreat into their shells for self protection.  All of us tend to self protect when we sense an environment or a person is unsafe. Other times we put up walls to protect ourselves. There are times in our lives when every one of us, for our own good and… Continue reading When You Finally Shed Your Shell


Mini Name Canvas

I got the inspiration for this Mini Name Canvas when I was strolling through my local Hobby Lobby. I noticed all of the Paper Studio Stickers were none other than 50% off. (Now, that’s my kinda shopping)!!! I wanted to create a darling special order for an adorable little girl who has a Unicorn obsession.… Continue reading Mini Name Canvas