
STOP Trying to Be Someone Else: Be BeaUtiful YOU!

Don’t you just love having an epiphany that changes, rearranges, and transforms our lives so dramatically we are left reeling?  We turn one of life’s corners and all of a sudden we have this amazing revelation that changes EVERYTHING.  It’s like being hit in the head with a two by four!  A mind set is broken.  In a fraction of a second, a thought process disintegrates right before our very eyes.  It’s a turning point for us.   Some of these extraordinary moments are so dramatic, they SET US FREE.  A huge cumbersome weight is lifted off of our shoulders that we have been carrying for years and it feels foreign.  We don’t quite know what to do with ourselves?  We had become bedfellows with this weight for years.

This is exactly what happens when we start BEING OURSELVES!    We stop trying to compete with friends.  We stop trying to keep up with the Jones.  (You know the scenario).  Our neighbor goes out and buys a new boat, so we go out and buy one.  Our best friend takes an expensive vacation to the Bahamas, so we schedule ours.  (We cannot be out done. No way, no how)!  We certainly don’t want anyone to think we aren’t successful because we don’t have the latest make and model of car, or haven’t been to Hawaii.  

Have you ever thought about how MUCH emotional energy it takes to stay in bondage to this unhealthy habit?  It takes lots and lots of energy because we are striving to do something that we were never meant to do. It’s unnatural.  Be assured friends, we may have never been in a physical prison, but THIS is a self made emotional prison that brings incredible bondage and heartache.  And in some ways, it’s even worse than being in a physical prison.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have energy to waste on this stuff.  I’m not a spring chickadee anymore.  I need to conserve my energy for the most important things in life. This is not a free for all.  I can’t be doling out energy just for the heck of it.  

Put this feather in your hat, my friend.  Ponder it for awhile…  Do you wanna stay in this self made prison and keep that ugly weight on your shoulders while continuing to ride the wave of mediocrity?   Or…do you wanna escape this prison and live a life of FREEDOM and experience a JOY you’ve never known before?  

Isn’t it time?  Time to:  STOP copying, STOP comparing, and STOP competing?  Isn’t it time to give up trying to keep up with the Jones or being a carbon copy of someone else?  

What do YOU want?  Who do YOU want to be?

Come on now?  Put YOUR best foot forward.   Look yourself in the mirror and say this:  “I’m tired of striving to be like everybody else.  Today, I’m drawing a line in the sand.  Today I choose to start being EXCLUSIVELY ME! No matter how long it takes, I’m laying down my need to copy, compare, and compete!”

It may take awhile to discover the REAL YOU.  That all depends on the length of time you’ve wasted trying to be someone else.  

I call you forth into your own identity!  I pray that all insecurity would melt before you, like a wax candle under intense heat.  Lord, help my precious sister or brother discover who you have made them be, and let them shine like the morning sun.   Let them discover the beauty of who you have created them to be.  I call that “U”niqueness forth!  Let them never stop discovering the beauty within themselves that you placed like a gift on the inside of them to SHINE for all of this world to see.  Let them revel in this new epiphany and BECOME the amazing BeaYOUtiful person you’ve made them to be.  A one-of-a-kind, unique, amazing creation made in your image, fearfully, intricately and wonderfully made!

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