
The Drudgery of the “Have To’s”

Had a Pastor in Albuquerque, New Mexico say something so profound that I’ll never forget it! He said, “Every time we say we HAVE TO do something, that statement in and of itself, is riddled with DRUDGERY, DREAD and immediate heaviness.” For the house wife: I HAVE TO do the dishes. I HAVE TO do laundry. I HAVE TO clean the pantry. I HAVE TO clean out the closets. For the man of the house: I HAVE TO change the oil on the car. I HAVE TO wash the car. I HAVE TO clean out the garage. I HAVE TO pay the bills. He said, “Rather than saying we HAVE TO do anything, change your statement to I GET TO do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the pantry, the closets, garage and pay the bills.

The reality is…NONE of us know what tomorrow might hold! If we woke up today and we are alive, it should be a privilege and honor doing every single thing we GET TO do. THANK GOD I GET TO DO THE DISHES! THANK GOD I GET TO CLEAN the garage. It’s crazy how these simple changes can change the trajectory of our attitudes and the often typical mindset and thought processes we adhere to out of habit, not really even considering the impact they have on us.

SO: The very next time you say “I have to do this or that,” change that statement to an—I GET TO! After all, isn’t it a privilege and an honor to GET TO DO ANYTHING?

If this FOOD FOR THOUGHT grabbed you just like it grabbed me, puleeeaaase leave me a comment below!

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