
The Gym Blues

Have you ever chosen to turn over a new leaf and go to the GYM to get in shape and then struggle getting your butt out of bed to go? We have every excuse in the book, don’t we?  I don’t feel good.  I’m too tired.  My body hurts from my last workout.  On and on and on it goes…In the most nasally tone we can muster:  I DON’T FEEL LIKE GOING TO THE GYM-M!  I used to struggle like this and I’ve heard a ton of excuses why people can’t or won’t go to the gym.  

We’ve all heard the basics of being healthy:  Get enough sleep & rest, keep stress at bay or at a minimum, exercise and eat right.  Exercise will always be a part of the equation.  I’ve got news for ALL of us:  The need for exercise ain’t goin’ away!  

Let me ask you a question.  Do you WANT to be healthy?  (If you DON’T WANT TO it’s not likely you will ever go).  But if you do, nothing will stop you, not even that list of excuses!

Here’s a few things I’ve learned that might help you if you’re struggling with all of this.

  1. We absolutely can’t listen to our feelings. Trust me, you’ll have 10,000 reasons why you can’t or won’t go to the gym.

2.   Stop talking about how you need to go to the gym in your daily conversations without ever  taking the bull by the horns and disciplining yourself to go.  If you do this the guilt is going to hang over your head like a cold wet blanket every time you say, “I know I NEED to go to the gym, I WANT TO GO or I WILL go eventually,” but then never do.  We’ll feel defeated every single time we utter these same words out of our mouths with no action. Well known author, Josh McDowell, say’s over and over again: “We need to be intentional…” And we really, really do!

3.  Figure out your routine, and stick with it, changing it as you go if needed.  (Add more weights, do more or less reps and so on).  I personally rotate, doing upper body (arms & shoulders) and lower body (legs) into three segments, focusing on those three areas three different days.  (I only go three days per week.  You may want to go 4-5 days a week, take the weekends off or go every day.  Whatever is reasonable and works best for you).

4.  If you have a workout buddy, determine that no matter what, you will not allow their consistency or lack there of, to keep you from doing what you know you need to do.  All and all, I’ve learned not to depend on ANYONE to get healthy.  If I want to get healthy, no one is going to do it for me.  It’s up to me!

5.  When you go to the gym, determine what your schedule will be and then discipline yourself and GO.  I personally don’t go to hob knob, meet people or get into deep conversations.  I go in, stay focused, do my work out and get the heck out of there.  BOOM!  DONE!  

Obviously all of this will vary from person to person, but I think. you get the point:  Don’t listen to your feelings, stop talking about going to the gym and never going, figure out your routine and stick to it—making changes as necessary, don’t depend on anyone to get healthy and DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE yourself!

You’ve got this!  Go get ‘em TIGER!  GET YOUR HEALTH ON!

2 thoughts on “The Gym Blues”

  1. These are such good tips! Things that I have learned on my own heath journey. The main thing is to not let your feelings be your ruler! The truth is I always feel better after I go!

    1. Thank You Marilyn! it’s nice to know I’m on track since you’ve experienced the same! I’m with you…I ALWAYS feel better after my work out!

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