Everything In Between

Voice Texting Gone Wrong!

So, I’ve gotten down-right-lazy in my old(er) Age. Maybe I’ve just gotten smarter. Whatever the case, I LOVE sending Voice Clips on Facebook and Instagram! It’s absolutely REVOLUTIONARY, if you don’t mind me speaking the truth here. With just ONE click of a button, we can record our voices, and they type away for us and SHAZAM! Just like that, it’s there…BOOM…Shocka-Locka! Don’t have to type it all out, write long emails like there’s no tomorrow,…OR send letters.


But I Digress!

Although, quite honestly, letters are in my DNA after 3,000 plus letters and lotsa cards, to the Man of my Dreams! I have all of the evidence right here in my home, boxed and up in my attic… (My hubicans spent 22 years in the U.S. Navy), so letters were our way of life. Sometimes we wrote several times a week, even several times a day. A DAY? Like, are you kidding me? NOPE! NOT. ONE. BIT! What was wrong with you guys, you might ask? We were IN LOVE and we wanted to be together, even if in a letter or a cassette tape sent thousands of miles, across land and sea.

They were the avenue from which we communicated from besides CASSETTE TAPES! (No Face Time)!!! Let me tell ya…Yes, that too, my Precious Milleneal Friends… Those 3,000 letters painted a Heck-of-a Picture! Boy do they. SOME of them our three grown children would say are “TMI”! (Too Much Information) for those who don’t know the abbreviation!

My daughter will tell ‘ya in her own words. “Mom, we millenials don’t send cards.” (I’ve found out since, SOME do!) But whatever the case, it’s not about that….

A friend of mine posted a story. (She’s the sister of a friend I met right around the corner from us at a mega church…)! It’s actually a very well-attended church in our area!


I sweetly told my friend RACHEL…(And thanks to Voice Texting Extraordinaire) I said, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL! Hoe you’re dounf well Rachel!”

To which she replied, “Thank You! —Smiley Face—)! I am, I hope you are as well.

I said, “Oh my! I botched that!” ⬆️⬆️⬆️😬😬😬.

Rachel replied: “Yes, yes you did.” 😂

Me: “That’s what I get for voice texting”!

Rachel: I figured it out though. At first I was like…did she just call me a hoe? 👀 😂‼️

Why, Thank You Voice Texting Extraordianaire…You did it again… YOU DID IT. AGAIN!


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